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Miniaturka MTV
Plan Orbana - Roman Giertych vlog, 19.03.2022
Roman Gierych ujawnia plan Orbana. Roman Giertych vlog, 19.03.2022 ______________ Inne media: FB: TT: @GiertychRoman Kancelaria adwokacka: ________________ Najnowsze książki autorstwa Romana Giertycha: Kariera Prokuratora Żółcia thriller polityczny o karierze(…)
okejki 1 · 2 lata temu
Miniaturka MTV
Why some people are always late - BBC REEL
Every friendship group has at least one person who is known as 'the late one'. But why do some people struggle so much with punctuality? BBC Reel's Dan John speaks to authors Grace Pacie and David Robson about the psychology of being late – and whether we can train our brains to be more punctual. Video by Dan John #bbcreel #bbc #bbcnews (279 070x oglądano na YT)
2 lata temu
Miniaturka MTV
Ekspert LEGO tłumaczy czym są nielegalne połączenia
Tiago Catarino - projektant zestawów. Jest autorem modeli głównie z serii klocków LEGO Creator, inne serie z jego wkładem to Classic i Ideas. I co jak co, ale na budowaniu z klocków to on się zna.
okejki 204 · 38 954x · komentarze 44 · 2 lata temu
Miniaturka MTV
How This Humanoid Robot Was Made | WIRED
This team of designers and roboticist think they've figured out how to combat the uncanny valley. WIRED talked with Will Jackson, founder and CEO of Engineered Arts to understand how they design, prototype, and test their humanoid robots. Thanks to the team at Engineered Arts for the tour Still haven’t subscribed to WIRED on YouTube? ►► htt(…)
okejki 1 · 2 lata temu
Miniaturka MTV
Film „Obcy” w 60 sekund
Masz dosyć filmów ciągnących się po kilka godzin? Oto propozycja dla ciebie.
okejki 243 · 21 240x · komentarze 39 · 2 lata temu
Miniaturka MTV
Doggie School Bus picks up pups for 'school'
Dogs can’t wait to climb aboard the Doggie School Bus, which takes them to an outdoor dog day care in West Linn, Oregon. (8 557 728x oglądano na YT)
okejki 1 · 2 lata temu
Miniaturka MTV
How This Electricity-Free Fridge Saved An Indian Ceramics Factory | Big Business
In 2001, the founder of Mitticool ceramics learned many of his customers in India don't have regular access to electricity. So he invented a fridge made out of clay. It keeps food 8 degrees cooler than the outside air, but it doesn't need any electricity to run. And while other ceramics companies in the region shut down, Mitticool is thriving thanks to the success of the powerless,(…)
okejki 4 · 2 lata temu
Miniaturka MTV
Inside a Japanese Inspired $135,000,000 NYC Apartment With Central Park Views
This week we are touring the 79th floor unit of the iconic 432 Park Ave building in New York City. This full floor unit is designed in a traditional Japanese style by world-renowned artist and architect Hiroshi Sugimoto! Follow us on Instagram @EnesYilmazerLA , @AyersWorld , @Jaysonk0312! Would you like your listing or property to be featured on this channel? Click the link to g(…)
okejki 1 · 2 lata temu
Miniaturka MTV
Pyramids of Giza Walking Tour (4K/60fps)
Since there are no primary sources regarding the pyramids, any information presented during the walk regarding their age and original function is based on theory and not to be taken as fact. This was filmed starting at 8:30am on January 20th, 2019.
okejki 1 · 2 lata temu
Miniaturka MTV
My hidden talent #shorts
Not many people know about my hidden talent of tap dancing #shorts (64 726 577x oglądano na YT)
okejki 4 · 2 lata temu